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Gudijos istorijoje cituoti šaltiniai ir istoriografija

  1. A Book of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania / Кніга Вялікага княства Літоўскага / Lietuvos Didžiosios kunigaikštystės knyga / Księga Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Sejny: Fundacja Pogranicze 2008

  2. Aleksandravičius E., Lost in Freedom: Competing Historical Grand Narratives in Post-Soviet Lithuania, Darbai ir Dienos, 2013, t. 60, 319-338

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  4. Ankersmith F. R., Narrative Logic: A Semantic Analysis of the Historian’s Language, the Hague 1983

  5. Atlas historyczny Świata, PPWK 1998

  6. Barton K. C., Implications of Research from the United States, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand, History education and the construction of national identities, IAP 2012

  7. Barton K. C., A. W. McCully, „You can form your own point of view“: Internally persuasive discourse in Northern Ireland students’ encounters with history, Teachers College Record, 2010

  8. Berger S., Rising Like a Phoenix… The Renaissance of National History Writing in Germany and Britain since the 1980s, Nationalizing the Past. Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe, edited by Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz, Palgrave 2010

  9. Berger S., Some Reflections On How to Defuse the Negative Potential of National(ist) History Teaching, History education and the construction of national identities, IAP 2012

  10. Bloch M., Aus der Werkstatt des Historikers. Zur Theorie und Praxis der Geschichtswissenschaft, Frankfurt 1995

  11. Bloch M., The Historian’s Craft, Vintage Books: New York 1953

  12. Carretero M., C. Lopez, M. F. González and M. Rodríguez-Moneo, Students historical narratives and concepts about the nation, History education and the construction of national identities, IAP 2012

  13. Davies N., Dievo žaislas: Lenkijos istorija, Vilnius  t. 1 (1998), t. 2 (2002)

  14. Foster S., Re-thinking history textbooks in a globalised world, History education and the construction of national identities, IAP 2012

  15. Gadamer H.-G., Truth and method, New York: Continuum 2006

  16. Gagliardi, Geschichte der Schweiz, Zurich t. 3: 1920

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  18. Grever M., Reflections on History Education and Heritage in a Globalizing World, History education and the construction of national identities, IAP 2012

  19. Gudavičius E., Lietuvos europėjimo keliais, Aidai, 2002

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  21. Huntington S. P., The Clash of Civilizations and Remaking of World Order, Simon and Schuster: New York 1996

  22. Kamuntavičienė V., Jelnios parapijos gyventojai XVII a. (Stara Litwa arba jotvingių pėdsakais Vilniaus vyskupijoje), Lietuvos Istorijos Metrastis, 2011, nr. 2, 21-30

  23. Kananovich U., Heroes and Villains: Politics and Historical Memory in Late Medieval East Europe, The Case Study of the Land of Navahrudak, Brill: Russian History 43 (2016) 22-67

  24. Kiaupa A., J. Kiaupienė ir A. Kuncevičius, Lietuvos istorija iki 1795 m., Vilnius,1995

  25. Kłoczowski J., Historia Europy Środkowo–Wschodniej, t.1 ir t.2, Lublin 2000

  26. Krawcewicz A., Powstanie Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Białystok 2003

  27. Łatyszonek O., Od Rusinów Białych do Białorusinów, Białystok 2006

  28. Le Goff J., History and Memory, Columbia University Press 1992

  29. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštijos tradicija ir paveldo „dalybos“, Vilnius 2008; Istorija kaip politinio mąstymo veiksnys, Vilnius 2012

  30. Lietuvos istorija, red. A. Šapoka, Kaunas 1936

  31. Lietuvos istorijos atlasas, Vilnius: VAGA 2001

  32. Lithuanian and Belarusian Identity in the Context of European Integration, Kaunas 2013

  33. Lorenz Ch., Double Trouble: A Comparison of the Politics of National History in Germany and Quebec, Nationalizing the Past. Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe, edited by Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz, Palgrave 2010

  34. Lukacs J., The Future of History, Yale University Press 2011

  35. Mažeikis G., Propaganda ir simbolinis mąstymas, Kaunas 2010

  36. Meijer W., Plural selves, and living traditions: A hermeneutical view on identity and diversity, tradition and history, International handbook of the religious, moral and spiritual dimensions in education, Dordrecht: Springer Academic Publishers 2006

  37. Mironowicz E., Historia Białorusi. Podręcznik dla liceów ogólnokształcących, Białystok 2001

  38. Nationalizing the Past. Historians as NAtion Builders in Modern Europe, edited by Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz, Palgrave 2010

  39. Nuo Basanavičiaus, Vytauto Didžiojo iki Molotovo ir Ribendtropo: Atminties ir atminimo kultūrų transformacijos XX-XXI amžiuje, sudarytojas A. Nikžentaitis, Vilnius 2011

  40. Pernoud R., Inaczej o średnowieczu, Marabut, Volumen: Gdańsk-Warszawa 2002

  41. Pirenne H., What are historians trying to do? The Philosophy of History in Our Time, An Anthology, New York 1959, 87-101 (originalas 1931 m.).

  42. Pirmasis Lietuvos Statutas (1529 m.), Vaga 2001

  43. Powierski J., Wybuch II powstania pruskiego a stosunki między Zakonem Krzyżackim i książętami polskimi (1260–1261), Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie, nr 3 (149), Olsztyn, 1981

  44. Renan E., Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?, conference faite en Sorbonne, le 11 Mars 1882

  45. (Re)Writing History. Historiography in Southeast Europe after Socialism, U. Brunnbauer (ed.), Lit Verlag 2004

  46. Ricœur P., Histoire de la philosophie et historicité, L’histoire et ses interprétations: Entretiens autour d’Arnold Toynbee, Paris 1961

  47. Roshwald A., The Endurance of Nationalism: Ancient Roots and Modern Dilemmas, Cambridge University Press 2006

  48. Sahanowicz H., Historia Białorusi do końca XVIII wieku, Lublin, 2002

  49. Schöpflin G., The Politics of National identities, National History and Identity: Approaches to the Writing of National History in the North-East Baltic Region. Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by M. Branch, Helsinki 1999

  50. Štromas A., Tautiškumas ir universalumas, Aleksandras Štromas. Laisvės horizontai, Baltos lankos 2001, 316-319

  51. The Construction of National Narrtaives and Politics of Memory in the Central and Eastern European Region after 1989, sudarytojas E. Aleksandravičius, VDU 2014

  52. The School of Alexius Meinong, eds. L. Albertazzi, D. Jacquette, R. Poli, Aldershot: Ashgate 2001

  53. Tichomirow A., On the current “West-Russian” ideology in Belarus, Belarusian Review, 2013, Vol. 25, No. 2

  54. Tichomirow A., Westrus’ism as a Research Problem, East and West, History and Contemporary State of Eastern Studies, ed. by Jan Malicki and Leszek Zasztowt, Centre for East European Studies, Warsaw University, Warsaw 2009, pp. 157-168

  55. Tichomirow A., West-Rus'ism and the politics of memory in today's Belarus, Belarusian Review, 2013, Vol. 25, No. 4

  56. Upton A. F., History and National Identity: Some Finish Examples, National History and Identity: Approaches to the Writing of National History in the North-East Baltic Region. Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by M. Branch, Helsinki 1999

  57. Vico G. B., New Science, Penguin Classics 2001

  58. Von Ranke L., The Theory and Pratice of History, edited with an introduction by Georg G. Iggers, Routledge 2011

  59. Voruta, 2004 m. sausio 31 d.

  60. White H., Metaistorija: istorinė vaizduotė XIX a. Europoje, Baltos lankos 2003

  1. Арлоў У., Асветніца з роду Усяслава: Ефрасіння Полацкая, Мінск 1989

  2. Белы А., Хроніка Белай Русі, Смаленск 2013

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  4. Дубянецкі Э., Асветнікі Беларусі, Мінск 2016

  5. Ермолович Н. И., Белорусское государство Великое княжество Литовское, Минск 2000

  6. Ермолович Н. И., Древняя Беларусь: Виленский период, Минск 1994

  7. Ермолович Н. И., Древняя Беларусь: Полоцкий и Новогородский периоды, Минск 1990

  8. Ермолович Н. И., По следам одного мифа, Минск 1989

  9. Ілюстраваная гісторыя: Краіна Беларусь, тэкст У. Арлова, мастак З. Герасімовіч, Slovakia 2003

  10. История Беларуси в документах и материалах, Минск 2000

  11. Краўцэвіч А., Гісторыя Вялікага Княства Літоўскага, 1248-1377, Гародня-Уроцлаў 2015

  12. Мельнікаў А.А., Кірыл, епіскап Тураўскі: Жыццë, спадчына, светапогляд, Мінск 1989

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  14. Новик Е.К., И.Л. Качалов, Н.Е. Новик, История Беларуси с древнейших времен до 2013 г., Минск 2013

  15. Ціхаміраў А., Заходнеруская ідэя”як даследчыцкая праблема: ці Была яна альтэрнатывай для Беларускай ідэі? Беларусь в европейском контексте: актуальные дискуссии о нациостроительстве, Вильнюс: ЕГУ, 2014, 89-104. 

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